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The Master Grimoire of Magickal Rites & Ceremonies

The Master Grimoire of Magickal Rites & Ceremonies
by Nathan Elkana


Since the dawn of time Occult Masters, known as "Adepts", have possessed a power to influence people, change events, and command whatever they desired to happen. Some of these men and women have been quite ordinary looking people possessing no special physical qualities, and attracting no undue attention towards themselves. The only remarks drawn from their acquaintances were that "things seem always to go their way". Whilst most of these Adepts have led lives far removed fromt the spotlight some have been amongst the most famous personages of all time. To the well informed reader it will be no news that much of man's history has been shaped behind the scenes by the secret machinations - good and evil - of very powerful men and women of the magickal arts.

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