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Sexual Sorcery - A Complete Guide to Sex Magick

Sexual Sorcery - A Complete Guide to Sex Magick
by Jason Augustus Newcomb

In plain, straightforward language, Jason Newcomb, author of 21st Century Mage and The New Hermetics, tackles a subject that many magical texts gloss over or ignore--the practice of sex magick. Sexual Sorcery covers the many aspects of using sex as a sacrament, a ritual, or an expression of diving love. It also provides a plenty of practical information helpful to any modern sorcerer.

Sexual Sorcery includes preliminaries to practice, such as how to broach the subject of sex magick with a partner (or how to find a partner), explanations of sexual technique as well as etiquette and energy, and the value of love in any relationship, especially a sexual relationship incorporating magick. From the base, Sexual Sorcery delves into the various techniques, types, and rituals of sex magick--using magick to enhance sex, ecstatic and mystical experiences during sex, and more esoteric techniques of sexulal invocation, evocation, and alchemy.

Newcomb defines a sorcerer as a solitary magician who is outside any particular faith or group, unbounded by the prohibitions of an order or coven, and able to explore the furthest realms of a subject without restriction. In this case the subject is sex magick, and Sexual Sorcery is the perfect guide for any 21st-century sexual sorcerer. It follows no one particular traditional path, but incorporates what works from other esoteric sexual practices.

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