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To Woman From Meslom: A Message from Meslom in the Life Beyond, Received Automatically

To Woman From Meslom: A Message from Meslom in the Life Beyond, Received Automatically
by Mary Mc Evilly


This and the former book purporting to be from Meslom through Miss Mary McEvilly, are among the best of the reputed commimications from the other world of a spiritual and ethical character. I do not know who Meslom is, or that he is, but I do know that Miss McEvilly has, both in connection with others and with my own experiments, given evidence of intelligence other than her own, acting through her brain and hand. I think that to heed the Meslom messages would indeed help one to orientate herself in the universe, and to make harmony in both her inner and her outer relations. Saying so, does indeed make it so, as the book affirms, in the sense that whatever is fundamentally integral to a life may be brought into realization best by believing in, affirming and expecting it. One might think that there is an exaggerated idealism of womankind in the little volume, but it is a psychological law that the contemplation of the ideal vision of what a thing is at its best, is the way to fixate the attention of the soul and to set it on the track of the realization of the ideal.

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