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The Greater Key of Solomon

The Greater Key of Solomon
by S.L. MacGregor Mathers (translator)

"The Greater Key of Solomon" is the classic grimoire, or book of magic, attributed to the ancient King Solomon who reigned over Israel during the 9th century B.C. Detailed within this volume are many examples of ritualistic magic typical to the ancient world. Presented here in this volume is the translation of the famous modern occultist S. L. MacGregor Mathers.

The Key of Solomon, save for a cultailed and incomplete copy published in France in the seventeeth century, has never yet been printed, but has for centuries remained in Manuscript form inaccessible to all but the few fortunate scholars to whom the innermost recesses of the great libraries were open. The fountain-head and storehouse of Qabalistic Magic, and the origin of much of the ceremonial magic of Midieval times, the "Key" has been valued by Occult writers as a work of the highest authority.

I see no reason to doubt the tradition which assigns the authorship of the "Key" to King Solomon, for among others Josephus, the Jewish historian, especially mentions the magical works attributed to that monarch; this is comfirmed by many Eastern traditions, and his magical skill is frequently mentioned by the Old Adepts.

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