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The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses

The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
by Johann Scheibel

82 pages and illustrated ~ The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses are 18th or 19th century magical texts allegedly written by Moses, and passed down as hidden (or lost) books of the Five Books of Moses or Pentateuch. A grimoire, a text of magical incantations and seals, it purports to instruct the reader in the spells used to create the miracles portrayed in the Christian Bible.

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The work was printed with annexes or reputed Talmudic magic names, words and incantation, many taken from Christian biblical passages. It shows diagrams of "Seals": magical drawings accompanied by incantations intended to perform tasks from controlling weather or people, to contacting the dead or Christian religious figures.

Copies have been traced to 18th century German pamphlets, but an 1849 printing, aided by the appearance of the popular press in the 19th century, spread copies through Germany and Northern Europe, to German immigrants in the United States, to the African American South and Caribbean, and Anglophone West Africa. It influenced European Occult Spiritualism, as well as popular religious movements in the American South (Hoodoo), the Caribbean (Rastafarian), and West Africa. –From Wikipedia

Book Description:

"The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses are two grimoires allegedly dictated to Moses along with the Torah (the first five books of Moses).

Published as volume 6 of "Bibliothek der Zauber-Geheimniss- und Offenbarungs-Bucher, etc." in 1849 in Stuttgart by antiquarian Johann Scheible, these books contain numerous allegedly magical spells used to summon spirits to do the will of the conjourer. Although these are allegedly Kabbalistic in nature, there is very little or no influence of Kabbala within the pages. The texts are allegedly translated from a text written in the Cuthan-Samaritan language, a language considered extinct since the 12th century. No manuscripts older than 1849 are to be found, and the claimed origin must be regarded pseudepigraphic and spurious.

The included pictures of the "seals" consist of various stylized symbols surrounded pseudo-hebrew and pseudo-latin phrases and letters. The Latin language wasn't spoken in the area of Judea where Moses lived. The pictures of the seals are therefore by necessity of different origin than what is claimed." (Quote from

Table of Contents:

Publisher's Preface; The Sixth Book Of Moses; Introduction; The Mystery Of The First Seal; The Mystery Of The Second Seal; The Mystery Of The Third Seal; The Mystery Of The Fourth Seal; The Mystery Of The Fifth Seal; The Mystery Of The Sixth Seal; The Mystery Of The Seventh Seal; The Seventh Book Of Moses; The Twelve Tables Of The Spirits; Extract From The Magical Kabala; Treatise Sion; Treatise Of The Sixth Book Of Moses; Treatise Of The Seventh Book Of Moses; Biblia Arcana Magica Alexander; Magical (spirit Commado) Beside The Black Raven; The Rabellini Table

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