Science and Immortality
by Sir Oliver Lodge
This book is based upon articles by the author which have appeared in the Hibbert Journal and in the Contemporary Reviewj and incorporates the substance of many of those articles; but they have been revised, in parts re-written, added to, and amended, so as to develop a continuous treatment.
They are arranged in four sections or divisions: The first treats of the old problems of science and faith, of belief in the miraculous, and in the efficacy of prayer; and adduces justification for some of those beliefs.
The second is mainly concerned with what are commonly considered Ecclesiastical matters that is to say with Church organisation and with Public Service of all kinds. The third concerns what is called the Future Life, and treats of the Immortality of theS oul. The fourth represents the interaction betweenS cience and Christianity.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)