The Power of Positive Thinking
by Norman Vincent Peale
Millions have found fearless confidence, a life of radiant faith and vitality in THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING - the greatest inspirational book of our time. This all-time best seller has been translated into 12 languages, parts of it reprinted in newspapers, pamphlets and magazines; recorded in the spoken word, and its theme adapted to discussions, seminars and lectures everywhere throughout the nation and the wor1d.
What is the secret of this phenomenal success? The book teaches, not preaches; it shows by actual examples, and lets you share and participate in the great experience of positive thinking and faith. Here, Dr. Peale shows You: 10 simple, workable rules for developing confidence - 3 proven.secrets for keeping up your vigor - 13 actual examples of how prayer power helped people in need - 4 words that lead to success - 5 techniques used by successful men to overcome defeat - an 8-point spiritual healing formula - a 10-point guide to popularity . . . and much, much more. This book proves that an attitude of the mind can change lives, win success in all things, and overcome all obstacles. If you have a problem, there is a solution. If you are in despair, there is the hope of happiness and renewed confidence in life. Here is your guide.