Explorations in Consciousness: A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences
Frederick Aardema -
Sleep Dreams & Spiritual Reflections
Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya -
The Gnosis of Kali Yuga
Aaron G.L. Adoni -
Brains and Realities
Jay Alfred -
Our Invisible Bodies
Jay Alfred -
Above Life's Turmoil
James Allen -
As a Man Thinketh
James Allen -
Byways to Blessedness
James Allen -
From Passion to Peace
James Allen -
The Mastery of Destiny
James Allen -
The Way of Peace
James Allen -
Animal Speak
Ted Andrews -
Ted Andrews -
Aristotle -
A Geography of Consciousness
William Arkle -
The Act of Will
Roberto Assagioli, M.D. -
The Training of the Will
Roberto Assagioli, M.D. -
Dynamic Thought or The Law of Vibrant Energy
William Walker Atkinson -
Mind-power ; or The law of dynamic mentation
William Walker Atkinson -
Mind-power: The Secret of Mental Magic
William Walker Atkinson -
Thought Vibration
William Walker Atkinson -
The Consciousness of the Atom
Alice A. Bailey -
The Techniques of Astral Projection
Dr. Douglas M. Baker -
Stalking the Wild Pendulum
Itzhak Bentov -
The Paradox of Self-Consciousness
Jose Luis Bermudez -
Man and His Bodies (Theosophical Manual No. VII)
Annie Besant -
The Origins of Self-Consciousness in The Secret Doctrine
H.P. Blavatsky -
Self-Hypnosis - Creating Your Own Destiny
Henry Leo Bolduc -
Space and Time
Emile Borel -
Deep Truth - Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate
Gregg Braden -
The Divine Matrix - Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief
Gregg Braden -
Fractal Time - The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age
Gregg Braden -
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief - Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits
Gregg Braden -
Something More - Excavating Your Authentic Self
Sarah Ban Breathnach -
Astral Doorways
J.H. Brennan -
Edmund Husserl on the Phenomenology of the Consciousness of Internal Time
John Barnett Brough (translator) -
The Presence Process - A Healing Journey into Present Moment Awareness
Michael Brown -
Cosmic Explorers: Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Messagefor Mankind
Courtney Brown, Ph.D. -
Cosmic Voyage: A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth
Courtney Brown, Ph.D. -
Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception
Courtney Brown, Ph.D. -
Astral Dynamics
Robert Bruce -
Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience
Robert Bruce -
The Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide
Robert Bruce -
The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a "Psychic Spy" for the U.S. Military
Lyn Buchanan -
Adventures Beyond the Body - How to Experience Out-Of-Body Travel
William Buhlman -
The Secret of the Soul - Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature
William Buhlman -
Secret Teachings of Plants
Stephen Harrod Buhner -
Alchemy - Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul
Titus Burchkhardt -
The Secret: The Power
Rhonda Byrne -
The Secret
Rhonda Byrne -
The Artist's Way
Julia Cameron -
Between Death & Life: Conversations with a Spirit
Dolores Cannon -
The Convoluted Universe - Book 1
Dolores Cannon -
The Convoluted Universe - Book 2
Dolores Cannon -
The Convoluted Universe - Book 3
Dolores Cannon -
Jesus and the Essenes
Dolores Cannon -
Keepers of the Garden
Dolores Cannon -
Legacy From The Stars
Dolores Cannon -
The Legend of Starcrash
Dolores Cannon -
The Custodians - Beyond Abduction
Dolores Cannon -
They Walked with Jesus - Past Life Experiences with Christ
Dolores Cannon -
The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth
Dolores Cannon -
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff
Richard Carlson -
The Eagles Gift
Carlos Casteneda -
Journey to Ixtlan
Carlos Casteneda -
The Second Ring of Power
Carlos Casteneda -
A Separate Reality
Carlos Casteneda -
Tales of Power
Carlos Casteneda -
The Teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui Way of Knowledge
Carlos Casteneda -
The Awesome Life Force
Joseph H. Cater -
Edgar Cayce Modern Prophet: 4 Complete Books
Edgar Cayce -
The Edgar Cayce Reader 2
Hugh Lynn Cayce -
Venture Inward - Edgar Cayce's Story and the Mysteries of the Unconscious Mind
Hugh Lynn Cayce -
The Bright Light of Death
Annabel Chaplin -
Awaken Healing Light of the Tao
Mantak Chia -
The Book of Secrets - Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life
Deepak Chopra -
How to Know God - The Soul's Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries
Deepak Chopra -
Quantum Healing - Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Body Medicine
Deepak Chopra -
Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul - How to Create a New Self
Deepak Chopra -
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga - A Practical Guide to Healing, Body, Mind, and Spirit
Deepak Chopra -
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind - The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old
Deepak Chopra M.D. -
True Balance: A Commonsense Guide for Renewing Your Spirit
Sonia Choquette -
Trust Your Vibes - Secret Tools for Six-Sensory Living
Sonia Choquette -
Supersizing the Mind - Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension
Andy Clark -
The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe (about Walter Russell)
Glenn Clark -
Psychosis and Spirituality - Consolidating the New Paradigm
Isabel Clarke -
Afterlife Teaching From Stephen the Martyr
Michael Cocks -
Into the Wider Dream: Synchronicity in the Witness Box
Michael Cocks -
Strange Energies, Hidden Powers
Douglas Colligan -
The Inner Source - Exploring Hypnosis with Dr. Herbert Spiegel
Donald S. Connery -
The Audible Life Stream - Ancient Secret of Dying While Living
Alistair Conwell -
Acres of Diamonds
Russell H. Conwell -
Suggestion and Autosuggestion And The Practice of Autosuggestion by the Method of Emile Coue
Emile Coue -
Coincidence or Destiny
Phil Cousineau -
Synergic Power - Power to Co-Create a Future of your Choice
Jame H. Craig -
The Fabric of Dreams - Dream Lore and Dream Interpretation Ancient and Modern
Katherine Taylor Craig -
Intelligence, Power and Personality
George Crile -
The Techniques of Astral Projection
Robert Crookall -
Case-Book of Astral Projection, 545-746
Robert Crookall,B.Sc,D.Sc.,Ph.D. -
Tell Me What You See
Major Ed Dames -
Lauron William De Laurence -
Radical Knowing - Understanding Consciousness through Relationship
Christian de Quincey -
Man: His True Nature & Ministry
Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin -
Psychedelic Shaminism - The Cultivation, Preparation and Shamanic Use of Psychotropic Plants
Jim DeKorne -
Astral Projection - The Out-of-Body Experience
Melita Denning -
Practical Guide to Creative Visualization - Manifest Your Desires
Melita Denning -
Concord of Creators
Walter Devoe -
Mystic Words of Mighty Power
Walter Devoe -
Lost In Space
Michael Dooley -
The Power of Silence - A Study of the Values and Ideals of the Inner Life
Horatio W. Dresser -
The Experience of Eternity
Jean Dubuis -
The Power of Concentration
Theron Q. Dumont -
Excuses Begone! - How to Change Lifelong Self-Defeating Thinking Habits
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer -
Your Erroneous Zones
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer -
Wisdom of the Ages - A Modern Master Brings Eternal Truths into Everyday Life
Wayne W. Dyer -
The Art of Feng Shui
Michael Erlewine -
The Hand-Sculpted House
Ianto Evans -
The Genius Frequency
John J. Falone -
Rayson And Friends Vol1
Duane Faw -
Rayson And Friends Vol 2
Duane Faw -
Radiant Mind - Awakening Unconditioned Awareness
Peter Fenner, Ph.D. -
The Twelve Powers of Man
Charles Fillmore -
Astral Projection - A Record of Out-of-the-Body Experiences
Oliver Fox -
New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis (The Standard Edition) (Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud)
Sigmund Freud -
Astral Travel
Gavin Frost -
Magic Mushrooms Around the World - A Scientific Journey Across Cultures and Time
Jochen Gartz -
Creative Visualization - Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life
Shakti Gawain -
Tapping The Source - Using the Master Key System for Abundance and Happiness
William Gladstone -
The Dip - A Little Book That Teaches You When To Quit (and when to stick)
Seth Godin -
Purple Cow - Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable
Seth Godin -
Unleashing The Ideavirus
Seth Godin -
Astral Voyages
Bruce Goldberg -
Custom Design Your Own Destiny
Bruce Goldberg -
Self Hypnosis - Easy Ways to Hypnotize Your Problems Away
Bruce Goldberg -
Spirit Guide Contact Through Hypnosis
Bruce Goldberg -
Ayahuasca in My Blood - 25 Years of Medicine Dreaming
Peter Gorman -
Physics of the Soul: The Quantum Book of Living, Dying, Reincarnation and Immortality
Amit Goswami -
Out of the Body Experiences
Celia Green -
The Hidden Reality
Brian Greene -
The Realm of Awakening - Chapter Ten of Asanga's Mahayanasangraha
Paul J. Griffiths -
Evidence for the Akashic Field from Modern Consciousness Research
Stanislav Grof, M.D. -
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson - An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man
G.I. Gurdjieff -
Master Key Arcana
Charles F. Haanel -
The Master Key System
Charles F. Haanel -
The New Psychology
Charles F. Haanel -
The Culture of Courage
Frank C. Haddock -
Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success
Frank Channing Haddock, M.S., Ph.D. -
Power of Will
Frank Channing Haddock, M.S., Ph.D. -
Power of Will - A Practical Companion Book for Unfoldment of the Powers of Mind
Frank Channing Haddock, M.S., Ph.D. -
The Meaning of Dreams
Calvin S. Hall -
Within You is the Power
Henry Thomas Hamblin -
Hypnotism, Mesmerism and the New Witchcraft
Ernest Hart -
Discovery of the Presence of God - Devotional Nonduality
David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. -
Power Verses Force - An Anatomy of Consciousness - The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior
David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. -
The Astonishing Power of Emotions - Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
Esther & Jerry Hicks -
Money, and the Law of Attraction - Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
Esther & Jerry Hicks -
Ask and It is Given
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
The Law of Attraction
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
The Vortex
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
A New Beginning I - Handbook For Joyous Survival
Jerry & Esther Hicks -
A New Beginning II - A Personal Handbook to Enhance Your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
Jerry & Esther Hicks -
Grow Rich! - With Peace of Mind
Napoleon Hill -
The Law of Success (in Sixteen Lessons)
Napoleon Hill -
Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill -
Man: The Triune God
Geoffrey Hodson -
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter -
Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern
Douglas R. Hofstadter -
The Mind's I - Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul
Douglas R. Hofstadter -
Working With The Law - Powerful Principles for Abundant Living
Raymond Holliwell -
The Complete Dream Book, 2nd edition: Discover What Your Dreams Reveal about You and Your Life
Gillian Holloway -
The Science of Mind
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes -
Openness Clarity Sensitivity
Michael Hookham -
Out-of-Body Experiences
Marilynn Huges (compiler) -
Infinite Mind
Valerie Hunt -
Awakening to the Tao
Liu I-ming -
Human Race Get Off Your Knees - The Lion Sleeps No More
David Icke -
Infinite Love is the Only Truth - Everything Else is Illusion
David Icke -
The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance
David Icke -
Tales from the Time Loop
David Icke -
How Consciousness Creates Reality
Claus Janew -
Creating the Work You Love
Rick Jarow -
The Subconscious
Joseph Jastrow -
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Julian Jaynes -
The Deja Vu Enigma
Marie D. Jones -
Aion - Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self
C.G. Jung -
The Collected Works of C.G. Jung Volume 11 - Psychology and Religion: West and East
C.G. Jung -
The Collected Works of C.G. Jung Volume 16 - The Practice of Psychotherapy
C.G. Jung -
Freud and Psychoanalysis (Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 4)
C.G. Jung -
Man and his Symbols
C.G. Jung -
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
C.G. Jung -
Psychological Types (The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 6) (Bollingen Series XX)
C.G. Jung -
The Psychology of Dementia Praecox
C.G. Jung -
The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga
C.G. Jung -
Psychology of the Unconscious - A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of the Libido
C.G. Jung -
The Theory of Psychoanalysis
C.G. Jung -
I Need Your Love - Is That True?
Byron Katie -
Loving What Is
Byron Katie -
Handbook to Higher Consciousness
Ken Keyes -
Ramtha - Love Yourself Into Life
J. Z. Knight -
Ramtha - The Mystery of Love
J. Z. Knight -
Ramtha - The White Book
J. Z. Knight -
Ramtha: a Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality
J. Z. Knight -
The Act of Creation
Arthur Koestler -
Internal Alchemy
Livia Kohn -
If You Meet The Buddha On The Road, Kill Him
Sheldon Kopp -
The Riddle of Consciousness
Gopi Krishna -
What is Cosmic Consciousness?
Gopi Krishna -
As One Is - To Free the Mind from All Conditioning
J. Krishnamurti -
The Awakening of Intelligence
J. Krishnamurti -
Beginnings of Learning
J. Krishnamurti -
Beyond Violence
J. Krishnamurti -
Can Humanity Change? - J. Krishnamurti in Dialogue with Buddhists
J. Krishnamurti -
Commentaries on Living - First Series
J. Krishnamurti -
Commentaries on Living - Second Series
J. Krishnamurti -
Commentaries on Living - Third Series
J. Krishnamurti -
Education & the Significance of Life
J. Krishnamurti -
The Ending of Time - J. Krishnamurti & Dr. David Bohm
J. Krishnamurti -
Exploration into Insight
J. Krishnamurti -
Facing A World in Crisis - What Life Teaches Us In Challenging Times
J. Krishnamurti -
Fires in the Mind - Dialogues with J. Krishnamurti
J. Krishnamurti -
The First and Last Freedom
J. Krishnamurti -
The Flame of Attention
J. Krishnamurti -
A Flame of Learning
J. Krishnamurti -
The Flight of the Eagle
J. Krishnamurti -
Freedom From The Known
J. Krishnamurti -
The Future is Now - Last Talks in India
J. Krishnamurti -
The Impossible Question
J. Krishnamurti -
Inward Revolution - Bringing About Radical Change in the World
J. Krishnamurti -
Krishnamurti to Himself - His Last Journal
J. Krishnamurti -
Krishnamurti's Journal
J. Krishnamurti -
Krishnamurti's Notebook
J. Krishnamurti -
Last Talks At Saanen 1985
J. Krishnamurti -
Life Ahead
J. Krishnamurti -
The Limits of Thought Discussions - J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm
J. Krishnamurti -
J. Krishnamurti -
Meeting Life - Writings and Talks on Finding Your Path Without Retreating from Society
J. Krishnamurti -
Mind Without Measure
J. Krishnamurti -
The Mirror of Relationship - Love, Sex, and Chastity
J. Krishnamurti -
The Network of Thought
J. Krishnamurti -
On Education
J. Krishnamurti -
The Only Revolution
J. Krishnamurti -
Questioning Krishnamurti
J. Krishnamurti -
Questions and Answers
J. Krishnamurti -
The Second Krishnamurti Reader
J. Krishnamurti -
Talks and Dialogues
J. Krishnamurti -
Talks with American Students
J. Krishnamurti -
Think on these Things
J. Krishnamurti -
This Light in Oneself - True Meditation
J. Krishnamurti -
A Timeless Spring
J. Krishnamurti -
Total Freedom - The Essential Krishnamurti
J. Krishnamurti -
Tradition and Revolution
J. Krishnamurti -
The Transformation of Man - The Wholeness of Life
J. Krishnamurti -
Truth and Actuality
J. Krishnamurti -
The Way of Intelligence
J. Krishnamurti -
The Whole Movement of Life is Learning - J. Krishnamurti's letters to his schools
J. Krishnamurti -
A Wholly Different Way of Living - J Krishnamurti in dialogue with Professor Allan W Anderson
J. Krishnamurti -
You Are The World
J. Krishnamurti -
Lucid Dreaming
Stephen LaBerge -
The Art of Happiness at Work
Dalai Lama -
The Union of Bliss and Emptiness - Teachings on the Practice of Guru Yoga
Dalai Lama -
The Ideal Made Real or Applied Metaphysics for Beginners
Christian D. Larson -
Your Forces and How to Use Them
Christian D. Larson -
Chaos Point - 2012 and Beyond
Ervin Laszlo -
CosMos - A Co-creator's Guide to the Whole-World
Ervin Laszlo -
Science and the Akashic Field : An Integral Theory of Everything
Ervin Laszlo -
WorldShift 2012 - Making Green Business, New Politics & Higher Consciousness Work Together
Ervin Laszlo -
Dreams - What They Are and How They are Caused
C.W. Leadbeater -
The Power and Use of Thought
C.W. Leadbeater -
The Inner Life
Charles W. Leadbeater -
The Car of Phœbus
Robert James Lees -
Center of the Cyclone
John C. Lilly -
The Quiet Center: Isolation and Spirit
John C. Lilly, M.D. -
Simulations of God - The Science of Belief
John C. Lilly, M.D. -
Capturing the Aura : Integrating Science, Technology and Metaphysics
C.E. Lindgren -
The Biology of Belief - Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. -
Spontaneous Evolution - Our Positive Future and a Way to get There From Here
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. -
Astral Projection and the Nature of Reality
John Magnus -
Consciousness and the Absolute - The Final Talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj -
Self Knowledge and Self Realization
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj -
The Body of Light
John Mann -
Bringers of the Dawn - Teachings from the Pleiadians
Barbara Marciniak -
Earth- Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library
Barbara Marciniak -
Path of Empowerment - Pleiadian WIsdom for a World in Chaos
Barbara Marciniak -
The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience
Robert Masters -
Astral Projection, Ritual Magic, and Alchemy - Golden Dawn Material
S.L. Macgregor Mathers -
Animals as Teachers & Healers
Susan Chernak McElroy -
C.G. Jung Speaking - Interviews and Encounters
William McGuire (ed) -
Food of the Gods - The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge - A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution
Terence McKenna -
Invisible Landscape - Mind Hallucinogens and the I Ching
Terence McKenna -
True Hallucinations - Being an Account of the Author's Extraordinary Adventures in the Devil's Paradise
Terence McKenna -
True Hallucinations: The Talking Book
Terrence McKenna -
Cosmic Journeys
Rosalind McKnight -
Mind Trek
Joseph McMoneagle -
Remote Viewing Secrets - A Handbook
Joseph McMoneagle -
The Ultimate Time Machine
Joseph McMoneagle -
The Bond - Connecting through the Space between Us
Lynne McTaggart -
The Intention Experiement
Lynne McTaggart -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 1: Anastasia
Vladimir Megre -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 2: The Ringing Cedars of Russia
Vladimir Megre -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 3: The Space of Love
Vladimir Megre -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 4: Co-creation
Vladimir Megre -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 5: Who Are We?
Vladimir Megre -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 6: The Book of Kin
Vladimir Megre -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 7: The Energy of Life
Vladimir Megre -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 8.1: The New Civilization
Vladimir Megre -
The Ringing Cedar Series: Book 8.2: Rites of Love
Vladimir Megre -
The Philosophy of Consciousness Without An Object
Franklin Merrell-Wolff -
ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-hypnosis
Richard Alan Miller -
Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior
Dan Millman -
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
Dan Millman -
The Society of Mind
Marvin Minsky -
The Roots of Consciousness: The Classic Encyclopedia of Consciousness Studies Revised and Expanded
Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. -
Voyage to Curiosity's Father (Exploring the Afterlife Series)
Bruce Moen -
Voyages into the Afterlife (Exploring the Afterlife)
Bruce Moen -
Voyages into the Unknown (Exploring the Afterlife)
Bruce Moen -
The Secret of Successful Failing - Hidden Inside Every Failure is Exactly What You Need to Get What You Want
Gina Mollicone-Long -
Far Journeys
Robert Monroe -
Journeys Out of the Body
Robert Monroe -
Ultimate Journey
Robert Monroe -
Fringe Knowledge for Beginners
Montalk -
The Divine Measure of Time & Space - The Universal Esoteric Cycle & The Circle Squared
Patrick Mulcahy -
The Projection of the Astral Body
Sylvan Muldoon -
Thoughts Are Things
Prentice Mulford -
The Miracles of Your Mind
Dr. Joseph Murphy -
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Dr. Joseph Murphy -
Worker in the Light
George Noory -
Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu -
On the Experience of Time
Robert E. Ornstein -
The Psychology of Consciousness
Robert E. Ornstein -
Symposium on Consciousness
Robert E. Ornstein -
The Natural Mind - Waking Up Volume 1
Alan Macmillan Orr -
The Natural Mind - Waking Up Volume 2
Alan Macmillan Orr -
The Natural Mind - Waking Up Volume 3
Alan Macmillan Orr -
Pharmacotheon - Entheogenic Drugs, Their Plant Sources and History
Jonathan Ott -
P.D. Ouspensky -
A Further Record - Extracts from Meetings 1928-1945
P.D. Ouspensky -
A Record of Some of the Meetings Held Between 1930 and 1947
P.D. Ouspensky -
Talks with a Devil
P.D. Ouspensky -
Tranceportation - Learning to Navigate the Inner World
Diana L. Paxson -
Enthusiasm Makes The Difference
Norman Vincent Peale -
Inspiring Messages For Daily Living
Norman Vincent Peale -
The Power of Positive Thinking
Norman Vincent Peale -
Power of the Plus Factor
Norman Vincent Peale -
You Can If You Think You Can
Norman Vincent Peale -
The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit
Joseph Chilton Pearce -
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg: New Constructs of Mind and Reality Joseph Chilton Pearce
Joseph Chilton Pearce -
The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart
Joseph Chilton Pearce -
Exploring the Crack in the Cosmic Egg: Split minds and meta-realities
Joseph Chilton Pearce -
The Heart's Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy
Paul Pearsall, Ph.D. -
Out of Body Experiences
Robert Peterson -
Extraordinary Times Extraordinary Beings
Wayne Peterson -
Breaking Open
Daniel Pinchbeck -
Zen and the Art of Motocycle Maintenance
Robert Pirsig -
Mesmeric Revelation
Edgar Allan Poe -
The Etheric Double - The Health Aura of Man
A.E. Powell -
The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
Arthur E. Powell -
The Science of Self Realization
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada -
Nature's Finer Forces: The Science of Breath and the Philosophy of the Tattvas
Rama Prasad, M.A., F.T.S. -
You Were Born Rich - Now You Can Discover and Develop Those Riches
Bob Proctor -
Reflections on the Path - Inspired by the Edgar Cayce Readings
Herbert B. Puryear, Ph.D -
The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena
Dean Radin -
School Of Out-Of-Body Travel
Michael Raduga -
School of Out-of-Body Travel - 1 - A Practical Guidebook
Michael Raduga -
Beyond Earthway
Mary Summer Rain -
Daybreak The Dawning Ember
Mary Summer Rain -
Dreamwalker - The Path of Sacred Power
Mary Summer Rain -
Mary Summer Rain -
Phantoms Afoot - Journeys into the Night
Mary Summer Rain -
Phoenix Rising - No Eyes' Vision of the Changes to Come
Mary Summer Rain -
Soul Sounds - Mourning the Tears of Truth
Mary Summer Rain -
Spirit Song: The Introduction of No-Eyes
Mary Summer Rain -
The Science of Psychic Healing
Yogi Ramacharaka -
The Wisdom of Ramala
The Ramala Centre -
As It Was!
T. Lobsang Rampa -
The Crystal Trilogy Volume 3: The Crystalline Transmission - A Synthesis of Light
Katrina Raphaell -
The Celestine Prophecy
James Redfield -
The Celestine Vision
James Redfield -
God and the Evolving Universe
James Redfield -
The Tenth Insight
James Redfield -
The Twelfth Insight - The Hour of Decision
James Redfield -
Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
H. Stanley Redgrove, B.Sc. (Lond.), F.C.S. -
The Plant Hunters, or, Adventures among the Himalaya Mountains
Mayne Reid -
Astral Projection & Metaphysics Forum - 66 Astral Projection Techniques
Revenant -
The Great Psychological Crime, the Destructive Principle of Nature in Individual Life (Harmonic Series, Volume II)
J.E. Richardson -
Self-Unfoldment (2 Volume Set)
J.E. Richardson -
My Experiences While Out Of My Body and My Return After Many Days
Cora L.V. Richmond -
Awaken the Giant WIthin
Anthony Robbins -
Notes From A Friend - A Quick and Simple Guide to Taking Charge of Your Life
Anthony Robbins -
The Power to Influence - The Sales Mastery Course Backtrack Notes
Anthony Robbins -
Unlimited Power - The New Science of Personal Achievement
Anthony Robbins -
Dreams Evolution, and Value Fulfillment - Volume 1
Jane Roberts -
Dreams Evolution, and Value Fulfillment - Volume 2
Jane Roberts -
The individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Jane Roberts -
The Magical Approach - Seth Speaks about the Art of Creative Living
Jane Roberts -
The Nature of Personal Reality
Jane Roberts -
The Nature of the Psyche
Jane Roberts -
Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
Jane Roberts -
The Unknown Reality - Volume 1
Jane Roberts -
The Unknown Reality - Volume 2
Jane Roberts -
Leaving the Body: A Complete Guide to Astral Projection
D. Scott Rogo -
The Age of Innocence
Walter Russell -
The Bending of the Twig
Walter Russell -
The Book of Early Whisperings
Walter Russell -
Caring for Your Physical & Spiritual Health (talk given 1951)
Walter Russell -
The Dawn of a New Day in Human Relations (talk given 1951)
Walter Russell -
The Electric Nature of the Universe (talk given 1936)
Walter Russell -
Genius Inherent In Everyone (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
The Immortality of Man (talk given 1944)
Walter Russell -
The Meaning and Acquisition of Wealth (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 1
Walter Russell -
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 2
Walter Russell -
The Quest of the Grail (unfinished manuscript)
Walter Russell -
The Russell Genero-Radiative Concept or The Cyclic Theory of Continuous Motion
Walter Russell -
The Sculptor Searches for Mark Twain's Immortality (talk given 1934)
Walter Russell -
The Sea Children
Walter Russell -
The Secret of Light
Walter Russell -
The Secret of Working Knowingly with God (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
The Self Multiplication Principle (talk given 1946)
Walter Russell -
Space and the Hydrogen Age (talk given 1939)
Walter Russell -
Think: The First Principle of Business Ethics
Walter Russell -
The Universal One - Volume 1 - First Principles
Walter Russell -
Your Day and Night (excerpt from The Message of the Divine Iliad)
Walter Russell -
The One-World Purpose
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 1 - Lessons 1-4
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 2 - Lessons 5-8
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 3 - Lessons 9-12
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 4 - Lessons 13-16
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 5 - Lessons 17-20
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 6 - Lessons 21-24
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 7 - Lessons 25-28
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 8 - Lessons 29-32
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 9 - Lessons 33-36
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 10 - Lessons 37-40
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 11 - Lessons 41-44
Walter and Lao Russell -
Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy - Home Study Course - Unit 12 - Lessons 45-48
Walter and Lao Russell -
The World Crisis: Its Explanation and Solution
Walter and Lao Russell -
A Grateful Heart
M.J. Ryan -
Mouni Sadhu -
What is Hypnosis - Studies in Conditioning including Three Techniques of Autohypnosis
Andrew Salter -
Symbol and the Symbolic - Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness
R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz -
The G.O.D. Experiments
Gary Schwartz -
Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?
Robert Schwartz -
Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born
Robert Schwartz -
The Paranormal - Is Normal: The Science Validation to Reincarnation, Your Immortality and the Paranormal
Alastair Bruce Scott-Hill, B.E. (Elect) -
The Great Awakening - Concepts and Techniques for Successful Spiritual Practice
Dr. Michael Sharp -
The Evolutionary Mind - Trialogues at the Edge of the Unthinkable
Rupert Sheldrake -
A Course in Miracles
Helen Shuchman -
Hallucinogenic Plants
Richard Evans Shultes -
Jose Silva's Everyday ESP - Use Your Mental Powers to Succeed in Every Aspect of Your Life
Jose Silva Jr. -
Seven Words That Can Change The World
Joseph R. Simonetta -
Spanda-Karikas - The Divine Creative Pulsation
Jaideva Singh -
The Science of Pranayama
Sri Swami Sivananda -
Thought Power
Sri Swami Sivananda -
CRV - Controlled Remote Viewing Complete Archive of Relevant Documents
Daz Smith -
The Laws of Manifestation
David Spangler -
Between the Gates – Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism
Mark Stavish -
Astral Projection
Brad Steiger -
Totems - The Transformative Power of Your Personal Animal Totem
Brad Steiger -
The Inner Guide Meditation
Edwin C. Steinbrecher -
Cosmic Memory
Rudolf Steiner -
Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path
Rudolf Steiner -
The Two Million-Year-Old Self
Anthony Stevens -
DMT The Spirit MoleculeA Doctor's Revolutionary: Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences
Rick Strassman, M.D. -
Inner Paths to Outer Space
Rick Strassman, M.D. -
The Synchronized Universe: New Science of the Paranormal
Claude Swanson -
Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness
Claude Swanson, Ph.D. -
Limitless Mind
Russell Targ -
Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities (Studies in Consciousness)
Russell Targ -
Soul Traveler - Guide to Out-Of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond
Albert Taylor -
The Science Behind The Secret
Travis S. Taylor, Ph.D. -
How To Interpret Your dreams - Based on Edgar Cayce Readings
Mark A. Thurston, Ph.D -
Book of Ki: Co-ordinating Mind and Body in Daily Life
Koichi Tohei -
The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle -
Practicing the Power of Now - Essential Teachings, Meditations, and Exercises for Living the Liberated Life
Eckhart Tolle -
Stillness Speaks
Eckhart Tolle -
The Secret Life of Plants - A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual between Plants and Man
Peter Tompkins -
The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit
Ralph Waldo Trine -
This Mystical Life of Ours
Ralph Waldo Trine -
The Hidden Power and Other Papers Upon Mental Science
Thomas Troward -
Time, Space, and Knowledge
Tarthang Tulku -
Essential Wisdom from a Spiritual Master
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev -
Encounter the Enlightened
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev -
Enlightenment: What It Is
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev -
The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness
Max Velmans (ed) -
Gods, Genes, and Consciousness
Paul Von Ward -
The Complete Conversations with God
Neale Donald Walsch -
Conversations with God for Teens
Neale Donald Walsch -
Neale Donald Walsch on Abundance and Right Livelihood
Neale Donald Walsch -
The New Revelations: A Conversation with God
Neale Donald Walsch -
Questions and Answers on Conversations with God
Neale Donald Walsch -
Conversations with Seth: 25th Anniversary Edition
Susan Watkins -
Lyall Watson -
The Science of Getting Rich
Wallace D. Wattles -
Behold the Spirit: A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion
Alan Watts -
Cloud-Hidden: Whereabouts Unknown
Alan Watts -
Does It Matter?
Alan Watts -
In My Own Way
Alan Watts -
The Meaning of Happiness
Alan Watts -
Nature, Man and Woman
Alan Watts -
The Two Hands of God
Alan Watts -
The Wisdom of Insecurity
Alan Watts -
Astral Travel for Beginners
Richard Webster -
Frontiers of Consciousness
John White -
The Science of Oneness
David Wilcock -
The Source Field Investigations - The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies
David Wilcock -
The Heart of the New Thought
Ella Wheeler Wilcox -
The Three Keys to Self-Empowerment
Stuart Wilde -
Paths to Power
Floyd B. Wilson -
Robert Anton Wilson -
Cosmic Trigger Volume 1: Final Secret of the Illuminati
Robert Anton Wilson -
Cosmic Trigger Volume 2: Down To Earth
Robert Anton Wilson -
Cosmic Trigger Volume 3: My Life After Death
Robert Anton Wilson -
Natural Law or Don't Put A Rubber on Your Willy
Robert Anton Wilson -
Prometheus Rising
Robert Anton Wilson -
Quantum Psychology
Robert Anton Wilson -
The Eagle's Quest
Fred Alan Wolf -
The Spiritual Universe
Fred Alan Wolf -
The Yoga of Time Travel
Fred Alan Wolf -
Dancing in the Flames - The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness
Marion Woodman -
Perelandra: Garden Workbook 2nd Edition
Machaelle Small Wright -
The Divine Romance
Paramahansa Yogananda -
Autobiography of a Yogi
Paramhansa Yogananda -
Journey to Self-Realization - Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life, Volume III
Paramhansa Yogananda -
Man's Eternal Quest - Collected Talks and Essays on Realizing God in Daily Life Volume I
Paramhansa Yogananda -
The Beginning is Here 2013! with Ervin Laszlo, Jose Arguelles and others
Jim Young -
Advanced Lucid Dreaming - How to Induce High Level Lucid Dreams & Out of Body Experiences
Thomas Yuschak -
The Importance of Living
Lin Yutang -
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Gary Zukav -
The Mind of the Soul
Gary Zukav -
The Seat of the Soul
Gary Zukav