Aristotle -
Energy from the Vacuum - Concepts and Principles
Thomas E. Bearden -
Stalking the Wild Pendulum
Itzhak Bentov -
Electrons & Ether Waves - Being the Twenty-Third Robert Boyle Lecture
Sir William Bragg, F.R.S. -
My Big Toe - The Complete Trilogy
Thomas Campbell -
The TAO of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism
Fritjof Capra -
Anti-Gravity & The World Grid
David Hatcher Childress -
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla
David Hatcher Childress -
Into the Wider Dream: Synchronicity in the Witness Box
Michael Cocks -
The Audible Life Stream - Ancient Secret of Dying While Living
Alistair Conwell -
The Hunt for Zero Point - Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology
Nick Cook -
Vibrations and Waves - Book 3
Benjamin Crowell -
About Time: Einstein's Unfinished Revolution
Paul Davies -
God & The New Physics
Paul Davies -
Modes of Motion
A.E. Dolbear -
Soul & Reality - Metaphysics, Magic And Inner Search For A New Era Of Awareness
Carlo Dorofatti -
The Serial Universe
J.W. Dunne -
Relativity - The Special and The General Theory
Albert Einstein -
Andaraeon Theory
Robert Gidel -
Physics of the Soul: The Quantum Book of Living, Dying, Reincarnation and Immortality
Amit Goswami -
The Self-Aware Universe
Amit Goswami -
Physics and Philosophy - The Revolution in Modern Science
Werner Heisenberg -
The Fourth Dimension
C.H. Hinton -
Physics of the Future - How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and our Daily Lives By The Year 2100
Dr. Michio Kaku -
Beyond Einstein - The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe
Michio Kaku -
Einstein's Cosmos
Michio Kaku -
Hyperspace - A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension
Michio Kaku -
Parallel Worlds - A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos
Michio Kaku -
Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the Twenty-first Century
Michio Kaku -
Quantum Psychics - Scientifically Understand, Control and Enhance Your Psychic Ability
Dr. Theresa M. Kelly -
Seeking Ultimates - An Intuitive Guide to Physics
Peter T. Landsberg -
Basic Properties of Matter (Structure of the Physical Universe, Vol. 2)
Dewey B. Larson -
Beyond Newton
Dewey B. Larson -
The Case Against the Nuclear Atom
Dewey B. Larson -
The Collected Essays of Dewey B. Larson
Dewey B. Larson -
The Larson Lectures
Dewey B. Larson -
The Liquid State Papers
Dewey B. Larson -
The Neglected Facts of Science
Dewey B. Larson -
New Light on Space and Time
Dewey B. Larson -
Nothing But Motion
Dewey B. Larson -
Quasars and Pulsars
Dewey B. Larson -
The Universe of Motion (Volume III of a revised and enlarged edition of The Structure of the Physical Universe)
Dewey B. Larson -
Quantum Shift in the Global Brain - How the New Scientific Reality can Change Us and Our World
Ervin Laszlo -
Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion - Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology
Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D -
The Evolution of Matter
Gustave Le Bon -
The Ether of Space
Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S. -
The Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci
Edward MacCurdy (ed) -
Time Traveler - A Scientist's Personal Mission to make Time Travel a Reality
Ronald Mallett -
Angels Don't Play This Haarp - Advances in Tesla Technology
Jeane Manning -
The Inventions Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla
Thomas Commerford Martin -
Einstein, Physics and Reality
Jagdish Mehra -
The New Paradigm: Confrontation between Physics & Paranormal Phenomena
John O'M Bockris -
Prodigal Genius - Biography of Nikola Tesla
John O'Neil -
Quantum Philosophy - Understanding and Interpreting Contemporary Science
Roland Omnes -
The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena
Dean Radin -
Entangled Minds
Dean Radin -
Quantum Physics
Alastair i.M. Rae -
Quantum Physics
Alastair i.M. Rae -
The Electric Nature of the Universe (talk given 1936)
Walter Russell -
The Russell Genero-Radiative Concept or The Cyclic Theory of Continuous Motion
Walter Russell -
The Secret of Light
Walter Russell -
Space and the Hydrogen Age (talk given 1939)
Walter Russell -
The Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe - The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art, and Science
Michael S. Schneider -
The Paranormal - Is Normal: The Science Validation to Reincarnation, Your Immortality and the Paranormal
Alastair Bruce Scott-Hill, B.E. (Elect) -
The Science of the Soul
Robert Siblerud -
The Path of Alchemy: Energetic Healing & the World of Natural Magic
Mark Stavish -
Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang
Paul J. Steinhardt -
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos - With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering
Steven H. Strogatz -
The Synchronized Universe: New Science of the Paranormal
Claude Swanson -
Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness
Claude Swanson, Ph.D. -
The Holographic Universe
Michael Talbot -
The Notebooks of Leonardo DaVinci
Pamela Taylor (ed) -
The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - With Special References to the Harnessing of the Sun's Energy
Nikola Tesla -
Theory of Vibration with Applications
William T. Thomson -
Some Science Adventures with Real Magic
William A. Tiller -
Harnessing the Wheel Work of Nature - Tesla's Science of Energy
Thomas Valone, Ph.D., PE -
Decoding Reality - The Universe as Quantum information
Vlatko Vedral -
Physico-Physiological Researches on The Dynamics of Magnetism, Electricity, Heat, Light, Crystallization, and Chemism, in their Relations to Vital Force
Baron Charles Von Reichenbach -
The Source Field Investigations - The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies
David Wilcock -
Quantum Psychology
Robert Anton Wilson -
The Eagle's Quest
Fred Alan Wolf -
Parallel Universes
Fred Alan Wolf -
The Spiritual Universe
Fred Alan Wolf -
The Spiritual Universe
Fred Alan Wolf -
The Yoga of Time Travel
Fred Alan Wolf -
What Einstein Told His Barber - More Scientific Answers to Everyday Questions
Robert L. Wolke -
The Dancing Wu Li Masters
Gary Zukav