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The Four Elements of Change
Heather Ash -
Mindfulness With Breathing : A Manual for Serious Beginners
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu -
Buddhism: Plain & Simple
Steve Hagen -
The Sovereign All-Creating Mind The Motherly Buddha - A Translation of the Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo
E.K. Neumaier-Dargyay -
Dzogchen Teachings
Chogyal Namkhai Norbu -
Practicing the Jhanas: Traditional Concentration Meditation
Stephen Snyder -
Death and the Afterlife in Japanese Buddhism
Jacqueliine I. Stone -
Secrets of the Lotus - An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation-Contemporary and Classical Interpretations of the Zen and Theravada Traditions
Donald K. Swearer -
Open Secret
Wei Wu Wei