- Afterlife
- Consciousness
- Paranormal
- Reincarnation
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- Writer Collections D-F
- Writer Collections G-I
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- Writer Collections M-O
- Writer Collections P-S
- All
- Swami Panchadasi
- Joseph Chilton Pearce
- Mary Summer Rain
- Yogi Ramacharaka
- The Ramala Centre
- T. Lobsang Rampa
- James Redfield
- Cora L.V. Richmond
- Seth - Jane Roberts
- Carla Rueckert
- Walter Russell
- Gary Schwartz
- Zhi Gang Sha
- Sri Swami Sivananda
- William T. Stead
- Brad Steiger
- Rudolf Steiner
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Ingo Swann
- Emanuel Swedenborg
- Writer Collections T-Z

Writer Collections G-I
Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Astonishing Power of Emotions - Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
Esther & Jerry Hicks -
Money, and the Law of Attraction - Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
Esther & Jerry Hicks -
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
Ask and It is Given
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
The Law of Attraction
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
The Vortex
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
A New Beginning I - Handbook For Joyous Survival
Jerry & Esther Hicks -
A New Beginning II - A Personal Handbook to Enhance Your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
Jerry & Esther Hicks