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Christ in You
Anonymous -
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Asatru Free Assembly -
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Charles Baize -
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E.A. Wallis Budge -
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E.A. Wallis Budge -
The Egyptian Heaven and Hell: Volume 2 The Short Form of the Book Am-Tuat and The Book of Gates
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The Egyptian Heaven and Hell: Volume 3 The Contents of the Books of the Other World Described and Compared
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Legends of the Gods - The Egyptian Texts
E.A. Wallis Budge -
Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life
Sir Wallis Budge -
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Allusions to Witchcraft and Other Primitive Beliefs in the Zoroastrian Literature
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Witchcraft: A History of the Black Art
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Huna: The Ancient Religion of Positive Thinking
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Further Notes on the History of Witchcraft in MassachusettsContaining Additional Evidence Of The Passage Of The Act Of 1711, For Reversing The Attainders Of The Witches (1884)
Abner Cheney Goodell -
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Echos From The Gnosis Vol 7: The Gnostic Crucifixion
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Echos From The Gnosis Vol 8: The Chaldean Oracles
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Echos From The Gnosis Vol 9: The Chaldean Oracles
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Echos From The Gnosis Vol 10: The Hymn of the Robe of Glory
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Discovery of Witches
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Essene Gospel of Peace Book 3: Lost Scrolls of the Essene Brotherhood
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Lectures on Witchcraft Comprising A History of The Delusion in Salem in 1692
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Salem Witchcraft and Cotton Mather A Reply
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Collection of Rare and Curious Tracts on Witchcraft and the Second Sight with an Original Essay on Witchcraft
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Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District of Scotland
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