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- Writer Collections D-F
- Writer Collections G-I
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- Swami Panchadasi
- Joseph Chilton Pearce
- Mary Summer Rain
- Yogi Ramacharaka
- The Ramala Centre
- T. Lobsang Rampa
- James Redfield
- Cora L.V. Richmond
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- William T. Stead
- Brad Steiger
- Rudolf Steiner
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Ingo Swann
- Emanuel Swedenborg
- Writer Collections T-Z

Writer Collections G-I
William Henry
The Ark of the Christos - The Mythology, Symbolism and Prophecy of the Return of Planet X and the Age of Terror
William Henry -
The A~tomic Christ - F.D.R.'s Search for the Secret Temple of the Christ Light
William Henry -
Blue Apples - Stargate Secrets of Jesus and Mari Magdalene
William Henry -
City of Peace - The Holy Grail Secrets of Ancient and Modern Nashville
William Henry -
Cloak of the Illuminati - Secrets, Transformations, Crossing the Stargate
William Henry -
The Crystal Halls of Christ's Court - Kathars, Atlantis, The Holy Grail
William Henry -
Egypt: The Greatest Show on Earth
William Henry -
Freedom's Gate - The Lost Symbols in the U.S. Capitol
William Henry -
God Making - How Ancient Myths of DNA Reveal the Miracle Healing Power of our Mystic Anatomy
William Henry -
Oracle of the Illuminati - Coincidence, Cocreation, Contact
William Henry