Writer Collections G-I
Bloodline of the Holy Grail - The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed
Laurence Gardner -
Genesis of The Grail Kings - The Explosive Story of Genetic Cloning and the Ancient Bloodline of Jesus
Laurence Gardner -
The Magdalene Legacy - The Jesus and Mary Bloodline Conspiracy
Laurence Gardner -
Realm of the Ring Lords - The Myth and Magic of the Grail Quest
Laurence Gardner -
How To Survive 2012
Patrick Geryl -
The Orion Prophecy
Patrick Geryl -
The World Cataclysm in 2012
Patrick Geryl -
The Procession
Kahlil Gibran -
The Prophet
Kahlil Gibran -
Spirits Rebellious
Kahlil Gibran -
The Dip - A Little Book That Teaches You When To Quit (and when to stick)
Seth Godin -
Linchpin - Are You Indispensible?
Seth Godin -
Purple Cow - Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable
Seth Godin -
Unleashing The Ideavirus
Seth Godin -
Astral Voyages
Bruce Goldberg -
Custom Design Your Own Destiny
Bruce Goldberg -
Past Lives, Future Lives Revealed
Bruce Goldberg -
Self Hypnosis - Easy Ways to Hypnotize Your Problems Away
Bruce Goldberg -
Spirit Guide Contact Through Hypnosis
Bruce Goldberg -
Volume I: Handbook for the New Paradigm
George Green -
Volume II: Embracing the Rainbow
George Green -
Volume III: Becoming
George Green -
The Complete Picatrix: The Occult Classic Of Astrological Magic Liber Atratus Edition
John Michael Greer -
The Druid Grove Handbook
John Michael Greer -
The Druid Magic Handbook - Ritual Magic Rooted in the Living Earth
John Michael Greer -
The Druidry Handbook
John Michael Greer -
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies: Ultimate A-Z of Ancient Mysteries, Lost Civilizations and Forgotten Wisdom
John Michael Greer -
21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card
Mary K. Greer -
The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals
Mary K. Greer -
Understanding the Tarot Court
Mary K. Greer -
The Encyclopedia of Angels
Rosemary Ellen Guiley -
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
Rosemary Ellen Guiley -
The Encyclopedia of Magic and Alchemy
Rosemary Ellen Guiley -
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft & Wicca
Rosemary Ellen Guiley -
Harper's Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience
Rosemary Ellen Guiley -
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson - An Objectively Impartial Criticism of the Life of Man
G.I. Gurdjieff -
The Herald of Coming Good - First Appeal to Contemporary Humanity
G.I. Gurdjieff -
Life is Real Only Then, When I Am
G.I. Gurdjieff -
Meetings with Remarkable Men - All and Everything
G.I. Gurdjieff -
Views from the Real World - Early Talks of Gurdjieff
G.I. Gurdjieff -
Master Key Arcana
Charles F. Haanel -
The Master Key System
Charles F. Haanel -
The New Psychology
Charles F. Haanel -
The Culture of Courage
Frank C. Haddock -
Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success
Frank Channing Haddock, M.S., Ph.D. -
Power of Will
Frank Channing Haddock, M.S., Ph.D. -
Power of Will - A Practical Companion Book for Unfoldment of the Powers of Mind
Frank Channing Haddock, M.S., Ph.D. -
The Crystal Bible 2
Judy Hall -
Past Life Astrology - Use Your Birthchart To Understand Your Karma
Judy Hall -
Graham Hancock -
Fingerprints of the Gods
Graham Hancock -
The Master Game - Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World
Graham Hancock -
The Message of the Sphinx - A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind
Graham Hancock -
The Sign and the Seal - The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant
Graham Hancock -
Supernatural - Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind
Graham Hancock -
Underworld - The Mysterious Origins of Civilization
Graham Hancock -
Mind-Matter Interaction: A Review of Historical Reports, Theory and Research
Pamela Rae Heath -
The PK Zone: A Cross-Cultural Review of Psychokinesis (PK)
Pamela Rae Heath -
Suicide: What Really Happens in the Afterlife
Pamela Rae Heath -
Ancient and Modern Initiation
Max Heindel -
Astro-Diagnosis - A Guide to Healing
Max Heindel -
The Message of the Stars - Esoteric Exposition of Natal and Medical Astrology
Max Heindel -
The Rosicrucian Mysteries - An Elementary Exposition of Their Secret Teachings
Max Heindel -
Teaching of an Initiate
Max Heindel -
The Ark of the Christos - The Mythology, Symbolism and Prophecy of the Return of Planet X and the Age of Terror
William Henry -
The A~tomic Christ - F.D.R.'s Search for the Secret Temple of the Christ Light
William Henry -
Blue Apples - Stargate Secrets of Jesus and Mari Magdalene
William Henry -
City of Peace - The Holy Grail Secrets of Ancient and Modern Nashville
William Henry -
Cloak of the Illuminati - Secrets, Transformations, Crossing the Stargate
William Henry -
The Crystal Halls of Christ's Court - Kathars, Atlantis, The Holy Grail
William Henry -
Egypt: The Greatest Show on Earth
William Henry -
Freedom's Gate - The Lost Symbols in the U.S. Capitol
William Henry -
God Making - How Ancient Myths of DNA Reveal the Miracle Healing Power of our Mystic Anatomy
William Henry -
Oracle of the Illuminati - Coincidence, Cocreation, Contact
William Henry -
The Astonishing Power of Emotions - Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
Esther & Jerry Hicks -
Money, and the Law of Attraction - Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
Esther & Jerry Hicks -
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
Ask and It is Given
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
The Law of Attraction
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
The Vortex
Esther and Jerry Hicks -
A New Beginning I - Handbook For Joyous Survival
Jerry & Esther Hicks -
A New Beginning II - A Personal Handbook to Enhance Your Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness
Jerry & Esther Hicks -
Grow Rich! - With Peace of Mind
Napoleon Hill -
The Law of Success (in Sixteen Lessons)
Napoleon Hill -
Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill -
Aspects of Evocation - Collected Essays by Phil Hine
Phil Hine -
Aspects of Tantra - Five Essays Exploring Modern Tantra
Phil Hine -
Oven-Ready Chaos
Phil Hine -
Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol 1 - Walking Between the Worlds
Phil Hine -
Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol 2 - Two Worlds & Inbetween
Phil Hine -
Techniques of Modern Shamanism Vol 3 - Touched by Fire
Phil Hine -
Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter -
Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern
Douglas R. Hofstadter -
The Mind's I - Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul
Douglas R. Hofstadter -
Black Book Volume 3, Part I: The Black Symphony, First Movement
Christopher S. Hyatt -
Black Book Volume 3, Part II: The Black Symphony, Second Movement
Christopher S. Hyatt -
Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot - The Way of the Secret Lover
Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D -
Psychical Research and Survival
Prof. James Hyslop -
Contact with the Other World
James H. Hyslop, Ph.D., LL.D -
Life After Death & Problems of the Future Life and its Nature
James H. Hyslop, Ph.D., LL.D. -
And the Truth Shall Set You Free: The 21st Century Edition
David Icke -
The Biggest Secret - The Book That Will Change The World
David Icke -
The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it)
David Icke -
Human Race Get Off Your Knees - The Lion Sleeps No More
David Icke -
Infinite Love is the Only Truth - Everything Else is Illusion
David Icke -
The Robots' Rebellion - The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance
David Icke -
Tales from the Time Loop
David Icke